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Heating pipes at risk of bursting due to cold temperatures

Calgary, AB, Canada / RTBN

With the recent cold spell that Calgary has been experiencing, heating pipes in residential buildings are at risk of bursting and flooding if windows are left open when temperatures reach below zero degrees.

Windows in residential buildings like dormitories and apartment suites must always be fully closed. Pipes run the risk of flooding in the winter because water inside the pipes expands when exposed to cold temperatures. As the pipe expands it gets closer to freezing which causes an increase in pressure inside the pipe.

When the temperature falls below zero degrees, open windows can increase the risk of frozen pipes. if a window is open in a residential building the heating pipes can freeze and burst, causing flooding in the suite and the building.

The Begin Tower, a student housing center in Calgary, has mandated that dormitory windows must remain closed at all times when temperatures drop below zero degrees to prevent pipes from bursting and causing flooding within the building.

Jacob Zahn, a residence life coordinator for the Begin Tower said that the mandate was put in place to prevent heating pipes from bursting.

So our window closure policy is mostly in place during cold weather and with the cold weather the pipes within the building can actually get cold and freeze which can unfortunately cause the pipes to expand and burst. So that policy os in place to avoid potential damage to the building and potential damage to residents belongings as well.

When the temperature drops below zero degrees, the risk of water and property damage skyrockets due to pipes bursting, which is one of the most common causes of property damage in residential buildings.

SAIT Residence is committed to making sure that all windows are closed to avoid damage to the building. Violators who have their windows open when temperatures drop are subjected to warnings and fines from residence staff.

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