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SAIT students looking forward to much needed reading break

Calgary, AB, Canada / RTBN
SAIT students looking forward to much needed reading break

Heritage Hall, SAIT Building, entrance

After two busy months into the winter semester at SAIT, student’s are looking at the halfway point of their semester with big project deadlines and tests in the near future as stress piles on. However, student’s are looking forward to a little break coming up as reading break is coming up next week as student’s will look to use the time off of class to be able to catch up, take a break and regroup before preparing for the second half of the semester.

“It just feels like a relief knowing that you have that break coming up”

Mental health is a very serious topic in all aspects of society especially among student’s during stressful times during the school year and a break during this time for a lot of student’s is very needed to protect their mental health. A big debated topic at SAIT is whether or not reading breaks are needed as SAIT only has a reading break during the winter semester and not during the fall semester. SAIT is the only post secondary institution in Calgary that does not have a scheduled reading break during the fall semester and student’s say that it almost feels night and day between having and not having the week long break. Kyle Van Den Bon says the break is a much needed break for everyone “I’ve never heard a student say we don’t need a reading break, no one is mad about it and I think it’s really good for mental health just to take a break. Not having a break last semester was a little tough and it just feels like a relief knowing that you have a break coming up”.


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